The Sacred Sanctuary of the Enigmatic Goddess

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Just in time when she decided to move to this new blog, she chanced upon an old book. It's about Greek mythology, a book written by Edith Hamilton. It was through the said book that she was able to come up with this blog concept.

There were interesting things that she was able to find out while going over the book, and here's 2 of it:

1.) Helen of Troy conceived a child with her original husband (Meneleus), the name of her daughter is Hermione.

2.) The God of the wedding feast is named Hymen! Interesting right?

Sunday, May 28, 2006

on Mr. O – that one’s darn obvious, but what the heck. Well, as she was going through the trivialities of her day, she decided to look around the lower creatures of blog-o-lympus (hehe meaning, those who are purposely not invited in this cyberpage). She noticed on one blog that he last updated or may be tinkered with his blog on her natal day. The relevance? Well, there’s none actually. She just finds it quite amusing that he last updated his blog on her birthday.

He was actually nice and intellectually stimulating but he was just so in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was it he or her who happens to be in the wrong place and time? Anyway, they could have been real good friends, but he had the curse of being too aesthetically and even physically resembled to TGC! As a matter of fact, that curse became more of luck for him for it did him good as he was able to get what he wanted from her to begin with. It is therefore, a curse only to her.

Sometimes, she finds herself thinking of him. Somehow, the fact that there was intimacy, no matter how brief it was, makes him still a part of her. And somehow, fate has a way of always delivering information to her about the said person. Months ago, she found out through TGC that his girl cheated on her and was even gutsy enough to cheat on him with another committed guy. As if that wasn’t enough, the girl even went as far as sending an email to the other guy’s girlfriend to proudly announce that her bf cheated on her with her. Pardon the lack of names or even pseudonyms for the said people; they are also dwellers of blog-o-landia, which makes it extremely difficult to hint on their personalities. But how did she (the Goddess) find out about it, well apparently the other guy whom Mr. O’s gf cheated with, asked help from TGC (the Goddess’s knight) in tracking down the girl.

Mr. O’s girl is a typical Jane, although when the whole fiasco happened she was able to appreciate her as she was “not confrontational”. Take note, those were the words of Mr. O. Last thing she heard about them was that they were seriously planning on tying the knot that they even bought a condo unit. But that was prior to her latest (this wasn’t the first time) treachery. She feels sorry for Mr. O. She doesn’t know if he found out about it and if they are still an item. But she found out that he is now up for promotion and is assigned to the same program as that of his girl. May be they still are, after all they have both cheated quite a few times on each other and were still able to take each other back.

The goddess is certain at least one if not two of you will be able to decrypt all these. Interested in playing Robert L. or Sophie N. of the “the Vinci code”?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

When we grow up, we find out that we’ve crossed the thin line and that we really need to protect ourselves from ourselves.


A few months ago, there was a promise of flowers blooming in her garden in time for the spring. She has toiled and labored over the years, hoping that somehow there will come a time when all her labor will yield a bounty of strikingly beautiful flowers. But somehow something always goes wrong and the buds that she faithfully waits to bloom, drops off. They say that flowering ties fall apart when they are planted in the wrong season. She knows. But she is now very much weary for she has tried planting them in different seasons and faithfully tended each plant. Sadly, the petals never opened to be kissed by the rays of the sun.

Last time she was once again hoping that things will be different. The buds have increased and somehow she felt that the three sisters have finally willed her garden to bloom. But she expected too much. The beautiful buds she was nursing for quite some time now is on the verge of falling off, with the edges yellowed by dryness.

Over the years she has seriously contemplated on tending a new garden. But this garden has been hers since time immemorial. She wanted to gather the flowers on the seventh month of the Jewish calendar, in time for thanksgiving, for the time she has graced this world with her presence and finally for the time when the long table will be set.

Will the long table still be set? She is still very much unsure. She was asked to decide yesterday, but neither she nor the other would like to give their say on the matter. Was it to escape guilt? Were they merely trying to wait for the inevitable?

Life was so much easier back then isn’t it? When the only thing she cared about is tying her hair real tight lest the God of the north wind play with it and make her look more of a gargoyle than a dainty princess. But her stubborness has caused her so much pain. When do you think will she ever learn?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

to hell with you!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

these are times when i wish i were someone else. =(

Thursday, May 11, 2006

she neither knows whether to call this olympus or hade's kingdom. the place where she has reigned for almost 2 years now, seems to have something she could not name, that holds her back everytime she tries to leave.

sometimes its not a matter of how happy she is but of how comfortable she is with the people but more so with how lucrative it is to be doing this trade. these, more than anything else pulls her back whenever she is thinking of adapting to a different mode of making a living.

is she happy? i guess she cannot say that she is fully happy about the choice that she made. but somehow she is, at least a part of her. seeing her people take pride in having her as their superior, well their goddess for that matter (allow me to gloat, this is my space!) is something that is already very rewarding for her. yes, more than the monetary rewards.

its still a long way to say whether she will be staying or looking for another place to settle. but i guess for now it would suffice that she is still happy, again, part of her.

at this point she is glad that her week is over and tomorrow she will be free to laze around and bury herself in her books. these may be simple things, but the goddess takes joy in simple things.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

twas her brother's natal day today. they went to a mxt @ megamall, such a haven for the famished and quenched.

the goddess met up with her knight and with a steel stallion for hire, they went to the pseudo-paradise of dvd collectors (pirated at that) in the makati district. after a hefty buy, off they went to a huge edifice called megamall - another paradise for wandering souls who love to window shop and splurge. they tried to entertain themselves by pretending to be kids, playing those gadgets that teaches you how to play a percussion. afterwhich, she bought a card and a boquet. she filled out the card addressed to the man who had been both a father and a mother for her since her mother left.

it is mother's day tomorrow, and yes she did give her father a card for mother's day. to thank him for raising her up alone. she handed the flowers and the card very nonchalantly, as if its something very mundane. yes she grew up in a home where expression of emotion is not always encouraged. but she is hoping to change that now.

after feasting on such a bounty, her knight decided to retire to his castle, while she and her kins (father, brother and cousin) decided to take a stroll. she wanted more of these times. but times are hard. they are the main reason she wanted to have a steel stallion but this is something she cannot have at the moment. nonetheless, she is grateful for the time she is able to provide for them and dine them out.

twas already 20 past 3 when they bade her goodbye. she looked at them, wanting to give them each a hug but hesitated and finally decided not to. she looked at them pensively as they walk away, thinking, wishing that she could be a little girl once again, so she could sleep comfortably at her dad's shoulder while he carries her home.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Providence has graciously blessed the nameless goddess. But with much blessings, comes more responsibilities.

Monday, May 01, 2006

the goddess has decided to settle here... for good? nah, she's still ambivalent about the thought. but perhaps this dwelling shall be a resting place for her thoughts for the time being. she is repulsed by the idea that such an unworthy creature - an imp for that matter, claims that the entire world revolves around her. 'nuff about that imp, her thoughts have no place in this sacred place. no recollections whatsoever of an imp claiming to be a diety will ever be allowed here, such thing is wholly abominable. taint not the new home of the true diety and goddess.

that will suffice for now. no detailed explanations. ask not for she will speak not.