on Mr. O – that one’s darn obvious, but what the heck. Well, as she was going through the trivialities of her day, she decided to look around the lower creatures of blog-o-lympus (hehe meaning, those who are purposely not invited in this cyberpage). She noticed on one blog that he last updated or may be tinkered with his blog on her natal day. The relevance? Well, there’s none actually. She just finds it quite amusing that he last updated his blog on her birthday.
He was actually nice and intellectually stimulating but he was just so in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was it he or her who happens to be in the wrong place and time? Anyway, they could have been real good friends, but he had the curse of being too aesthetically and even physically resembled to TGC! As a matter of fact, that curse became more of luck for him for it did him good as he was able to get what he wanted from her to begin with. It is therefore, a curse only to her.
Sometimes, she finds herself thinking of him. Somehow, the fact that there was intimacy, no matter how brief it was, makes him still a part of her. And somehow, fate has a way of always delivering information to her about the said person. Months ago, she found out through TGC that his girl cheated on her and was even gutsy enough to cheat on him with another committed guy. As if that wasn’t enough, the girl even went as far as sending an email to the other guy’s girlfriend to proudly announce that her bf cheated on her with her. Pardon the lack of names or even pseudonyms for the said people; they are also dwellers of blog-o-landia, which makes it extremely difficult to hint on their personalities. But how did she (the Goddess) find out about it, well apparently the other guy whom Mr. O’s gf cheated with, asked help from TGC (the Goddess’s knight) in tracking down the girl.
Mr. O’s girl is a typical Jane, although when the whole fiasco happened she was able to appreciate her as she was “not confrontational”. Take note, those were the words of Mr. O. Last thing she heard about them was that they were seriously planning on tying the knot that they even bought a condo unit. But that was prior to her latest (this wasn’t the first time) treachery. She feels sorry for Mr. O. She doesn’t know if he found out about it and if they are still an item. But she found out that he is now up for promotion and is assigned to the same program as that of his girl. May be they still are, after all they have both cheated quite a few times on each other and were still able to take each other back.
The goddess is certain at least one if not two of you will be able to decrypt all these. Interested in playing Robert L. or Sophie N. of the “the Vinci code”?